Type Access Pricing and Certification Source Audience Language
#Online Platform #Open Acess #Free #Erasmus+ #Students #English
#e-Book #Open Access(requires sign-up) #Free with certification #EIT Health #Trainers #French
#App #Free (Paid Certification) #Horozon Europe #Companies #Spanish
#Report #At a Cost #Horizon Europe #General Population #German
#Scientific Publication #Private Initiative #Health care professionals #Portuguese
#Video #National Initiative #Researchers ###

Artificial Intelligence ▾

Big Data ▾

Cybersecurity ▾

Data Governance and Health Data Science ▾

Digitalization ▾

Digital Health ▾

Entrepreneurship ▾

Healthcare service organization ▾

Health literacy and disease management for users ▾

ICT skills for users ▾

Humanities in Health care and in the Digital world ▾

Scaling up models ▾

Soft Skills for Health Care Professionals and Informal Carers ▾

Scientific frameworks in Human Health ▾

Urbanization and Health ▾

Frequently asked questions
After copy and pasting the link, I still get an error - why?
Please start by checking your network connectivity and browser issues. Many of the courses presented in this catalog derive from EU funded projects and their websites may not be maintained after the end of the project's contract. In that case, please contact [email protected] to have it removed from the catalog.

Why are prices stated on the page different from the ones on the course's website?
Often courses are discounted or offer "early bird" deals. The prices indicated in this catalog are illustrative, and you should check the organization's website for full details.