
Steinbeis 2i GmbH (S2i) is committed to helping companies and universities to innovate and internationalize and was founded in 2016. It is part of Steinbeis Europa Zentrum. Steinbeis Europa Zentrum (SEZ) is a leading institution in Europe, recognized as a network & collaboration facilitator and eco-system moderator and builder. Among a range of regional, national and EU-level innovation and DIH projects, Steinbeis is known for its endeavour in supporting SMEs in their innovation and digitisation efforts through bridging them with international technology experts such as Digital Innovation Hubs, ATI Technology Centres and many others.
SEZ coordinates the SHIFT-HUB projects and supports the network building with its valuable contacts in industry and politics.
Cleyrop offers a unified, secure and sovereign platform to democratize and industrialize the use of data. At a time when the use of data is becoming a strategic matter, Cleyrop states its ambitions: to provide a reliable platform to put data intelligence at the heart of organisations.
Cleyrop will develop the framework to allow application providers to transparently integrate the solutions they offer in the SHIFT-HUB platform, while offering the tools to transparently manage the data

KiNNO works towards enhancing knowledge integration and innovation capacity for both the private and public sectors in circular economy, sustainable energy, digital technologies by providing support services for SMEs, and by designing and managing funded projects related to innovation competencies. KiNNO acts as the Greek Hub of EIT INNOENERGY (the leading European accelerator of sustainable energy Innovations).
KiNNO coordinates the complete service offer to the community and facilitates access to the required resources and skills in order to promote and evaluate Smart Healthcare products and applications in order to support the quick uptake of Smart Health products and solutions. Additionally, KiNNO develops the SHIFT HUB Business model with scenaria to define a robust selling proposition for SHIFT HUB’s stakeholders
The European DIGITAL SME Alliance is the largest network of ICT small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in Europe, representing more than 45,000 digital SMEs across the EU. The alliance is the joint effort of 30 national and regional SME associations from EU member states and neighbouring countries to put digital SME at the centre of the EU agenda.
DIGITAL SME will contribute to the stakeholders’ onboarding and community management of SHIFT-HUB by engaging with relevant stakeholders and by leveraging its wide European network. The organisation will support the project in addressing the sectoral challenges and will involve the stakeholders of the most relevant technological areas (AI, Big Data/Cloud, Cybersecurity, IoT) by establishing interconnections with its thematic Working Group, while contributing also in the fields of standardisation and policy-making.

The Lab of Medical Physics and Digital Innovation is a dynamic, interactive scientific community, the largest laboratory within the Health Sciences Faculty and one of the largest of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (AUTH), considering the number of researchers employed and the number of projects, funding and overall academic work production. The mission of the Lab is to excel in training and multi-disciplinary research in a setting that fosters creativity and synergy.
AUTH is mostly involved in the development of the SHIFT-HUB service offer and specifically in the Living Labs to empower patients and citizens and in the preparation planning of workshops. AUTH will be intensely active in SHIFT-HUB dissemination activities, among which community events, networking and matchmaking, as well as in conference proceedings. There will also be contribution for enganging stakeholders and community management along with the SHIFT-HUB exploitation, uptake and sustainability.
Booster Labs is a young company having the mission to support the acceleration of DeepTech start-ups. The uniqueness of our approach consists in a “collaborative acceleration” that aims to leverage and align, based on the partnerships we have established with peer organizations at the EU level, the different forces of the innovation ecosystems to help overcome more easily the specific challenges faced by DeepTech start-ups, and in particular the access to funding and the access to markets, along with the resources needed to achieve these goals (technology infrastructures and expertise, talents, partners).
Booster Labs’ main role in SHIFT-HUB will be to facilitate the access to private and public funding for the community members to support the development of their solutions and services. Booster Labs will also coordinate the effort of making visible the community members, their solutions and services visible and bridging the market gap.

Beia Consult International is a R&D performing SME, founded in 1991, and one of the leading providers of ICT solutions and services in Romania for Cloud communications and IoT telemetry. The company’s references include over 5,000 turn-key projects for advanced IT and communications solutions.
Beia is active in diverse environmental IoT projects, such as SeaForest, SmartSense, TELE-GREEN, 3DSafeGuard, MEWS, S4ALLCITIES, SCRATCh, SWITCH, WINS@HI and has experience in coordinating and participating in more than 40 R&D and Innovation projects.
Within the SHIFT-HUB project, Beia Consult International will coordinate the scouting of existing digital health solutions repositories and the scouting of EU digital health tech solutions and providers, with the opportunity to research and highlight experience from previous health-themed projects. As a consortium partner, it will have multiple involvements, also contributing to the work packages dedicated to project management, communication, dissemination and ecosystem building, service delivery, and exploitation, uptake and sustainability.
Mipih is a public structure (GIP) who supports healthcare and medical establishments as well as liberal medicine players in their digitalization and to meet their digital challenges to: improved patient care, strengthening the coordination of healthcare pathways, the Healthcare establishment – authorities relationship and protect their health data.
Based on hospital cooperation, Mipih designs, hosts, integrates and distributes solutions designed by and for healthcare professionals.
Within SHIFT-HUB consortium, Mipih will have a supporting role and will be in charge of Linking repositories and integrating digital health solutions with Cleyrop in addition to it’s active participation in stakeholder promotion, set up a marketplace for the uptake of Smart Health solutions, setting up a network of EU Partners ans contributions to regulation, standardization and policy making.

University of Porto (UPORTO, is Portugal’s second largest university and one of the most prestigious teaching and research institutions in the country. The Competences Center on Active and Heathy Ageing of University of Porto (Porto4Ageing) competency centre is a four-starred Reference Site and a Partner Plus of the former European Innovation Partnership and Healthy Ageing of the European Commission. The Porto4Ageing alliance is committed to promoting local convergence and improving the health innovation ecosystem, while reducing and overcoming existing bottlenecks. It is doing so by promoting joint work for high impact, thus bridging the gap between public and private actions and instruments and, ultimately, facilitating knowledge exchanges and scaling up of results (
Uporto/Porto4Ageing will make use of its network to ensure the maximum impact of SHIFT-HUB exploitation, uptake and sustainability, in the promotion of SHIFT HUB’s offer to external peer initiatives and collabaration with other ecossystem representatives in the field of Smart Health. This to stimulate the uptake of the project’s solutions and results. In addition, they will be resposible to deliver a repository of educational materials to the community.
IPPOCRATE AS is a software house specialised in the development of e-health and smart healthcare solutions. It creates digital technologies to support health and healthcare and it develops health software for companies and research centers. The company closely collaborates with its Marketing & Communication Office, which has successfully disseminated results, outputs, news related to different projects and gained great success in Italy thanks to publications in important online magazines. Moreover, it is strongly focused on social media marketing & online tailored dissemination campaigns, as well.
IPPO coordinates the dissemination and communication of SHIFT-HUB and has developed an effective strategy to successfully reach the target groups and ensure maximum impact of the project results. The company will develop a gamified user journey for the adoption of digitally-enabled prevention and self-management solutions, with the aim of raising awareness among patients and citizens and inducing behavioural change.

The University Hospital of Cologne participates in the project by the Institute for Biomedical Informatics. The institute was founded in May 2021 at the Medical Faculty of the University of Cologne and its mission is to conduct high-quality basic and applied research in the field of medical data science, to promote excellence in education and training and contribute to deeptech entrepreneurship in the area of healthtechs and medtechs and the support of innovative ecosystems and value chains in the area of health.
We lead the market and stakeholder needs analysis activities. For the needs of the project we aim to deploy, together with partner Booster-Labs, an innovative approach based on narratives collection and processing with a focus to entrepreneurial aspects of ecosystems building, creation, maintenance and management.
COPAC – Coalition of Patients Organisation with Chronic Disease Romania is an umbrella organisation with 17 members, associations and federations representing patients with different pathologies. COPAC was founded in 2088. The mission of the organisation is to support patients and patients associations to act efficient for defending and promoting patients rights.COPAC is implementing screening project of colorectal cancer and cardiovascular disease at national level in partnership with medical institusions and hospitals. The organisation is involved in identifying problems and developping local policies in health and social field. COPAC is a member of European Patients Forum from 2010.
COPAC will contribute in several activity package: develpping the network of stakeholders, health NGOs, companies at national and european level, raising awarness in the chronic patients communities about Smart Health solutions and their benefits. The organisation will also facilitate the involvement of the chronic patients comunities and the family physicians in the process of promoting, testing and adopting Smart Health solutions.

Official Partner Organisations

Vértice Saúde

Greek Carers Network EPIONI



Liqomics GmbH

Thomas More – LiCalab



Ghent University – imec

Hospital de Braga, EPE

Startup Campus Germany GmbH

Escola Superior Saúde Santa Maria

APDP Diabetes Portugal

PROMPTLY – Software Solutions for Health Measures, S.A.

INESC TEC – Instituto de Engenharia de Sistemas e Computadores, Tecnologia e Ciência


Help-Doctor – 24h access to telemedicine


CINTESIS – Centro de Investigação em Tecnologias e Serviços de Saúde

Associação CoLAB TRIALS – Laboratório Colaborativo para a Inovação em Ensaios Clínicos

Shapes project – school of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences (ICBAS) – University of Porto

UPTEC – Science and Technology Park of University of Porto


Institute of Public Health of the University of Porto (ISPUP)

Ordem dos Enfermeiros

SHINE 2Europe, Lda


HealthRegion CologneBonn

L’association Santé Bien être des Coquelicots

University of Thessaly, Department of Physical Education and Sport Science

HealthTech Lisboa

Institute of Entrepreneurship Development – Health Hub

Digital Health Uptake (DHU)

All Digital

Humanized Solutions


SIRENE project

Associação Ritual Purple – Crohn Colite Portugal


National Alliance of Rare Diseases

Centre for Research and Technology Hellas/Information Technologies Institute

PMF Research


HT Apps

JO Consulting



JO Education

The national union of organisations of PLHIV

NSB Project

Associação Data CoLAB – Laboratório Colaborativo para Serviços de Inovação Orientados para os Dados

PCI – Creative Science Park Aveiro Region

Association E-SENIORS

Foundation Center for Health Policies and Services Bucharest, Romania

EIT Health RIS Hub University of Porto

University of Medicine and Pharmacy Carol Davila

Dr-Online Services SRL

Medone Research

Slovenian Innovation Hub European Economic Interest Grouping

EDIH Südwest

Noa Dent Research

inxso ltd.

Cluster Saúde de Galicia – CSG

VIBE – Virtual Biomedical and STEM/STEAM Education